On 1 May 2001 16:14:28 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SamFaz Consulting)

Under the Bill s. 1618 title III passed by the 105th US congress
this letter cannot be considered SPAM as long as the sender includes
contact information and a method of removal. To be removed, hit reply
and type ?remove? in the subject line.

Here was a message posted, that my reader saw as an attachment.
The lines above were at the start of the SPAM.

Ahem.  I am about 100% sure that the above is a lie.  In multiple
ways.  For instance, Is there a legal definition of SPAM?

It has been remarked that you do  *not*  want to use the 
"remove" option when someone sends SPAM that is using
a  *garbage*  mailing list (Such as, the above; and any other
mailing list that includes a Mail-list, or a Usenet group).

That's because the REPLY from you proves that your 
Mail address is real, and current, and that you read the 
message.  So the SPAMmer will save your name, specially.

If you can read the headers, you sometimes can make an
effective complaint to the X-abuse:  address, if there is one,
or to the appropriate <  Postmaster@isp-name  >.


Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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