Herman Rubin wrote:
> I also doubt
> whether learning to compute answers gives any insight
> into the concepts, except for those with good research
> potential, and even there it tends to confuse.

It depends on what "learning to compute" means.  (*I'm* saying this
in repsonse to a comment from Prf. Rubin?!)

Consider exp(i pi).
I can compute it by using Euler's rule or by viewing it as the pi
radians rotation of a rod of unit length in the imaginary plane.

Or consider the variance.  I can compute it by using the desk
calculator algorithm or by summing the squares of deviations.

If learning to compute means simply that one is given a formula--any
formula--that is to be used without any thought of its origins, I
OTOH, thoughts about the method of computation can often lead to
important insights.

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