On 11 Jun 2001, srinivas wrote:

>   I have a problem in identifying the right multivariate tools to 
> handle datset of dimension 1,00,000*500.  The problem is still
> complicated with lot of missing data.

So far, you have not described the problem you want to address, nor the 
models you think may be appropriate to the situation.  Consequently, 
no-one will be able to offer you much assistance. 

> Can anyone suggest a way out to reduce the data set and also to 
> estimate the missing value. 

There are a variety of ways of estimating missing values, all of which 
depend on the model you have in mind for the data, and the reason(s) you 
think you have for substituting estimates for the missing data.

> I need to know which clustering tool is appropriate for grouping the
> observations ( based on 500 variables ).

No answer is possible without context.  No context has been supplied.

 Donald F. Burrill                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 184 Nashua Road, Bedford, NH 03110                          603-471-7128

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