Dear Haytham,

you should asses the construct validity. Internal consistency through Alpha
de Cronbach is the first step. Now, you shoud verify nomological and
discriminant validity through confirmatory factor analysis.

Please, read theses articles, they are a important references concern with
Construct Validity.

1. Bagozzi, Richard P., Yi, Youjae, Phillips, Lynn. Assessing construct
validity in organizational research. Administrative Science Quartely,

2. Churchill Jr, Gilbert A. Marketing research:methodological foundations. 6
ed. Dryden Press.1995

Best regards and good luck in your work.

Alexandre Moura.
P.S. Please accept my apologies for my English mistakes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "haytham siala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 5:40 PM
Subject: Factor Analysis

> Hi,
> I will appreciate if someone can help me with this question: if factors
> extracted from a factor analysis were found to be reliable (using an
> internal consistency test like a Cronbach alpha), can they be used to
> represent a measure of the latent construct? If yes, are there any
> references or books that justify this technique?
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