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thanks for your reply!  Do you have the full cite to this article?

Glen Barnett wrote:
> Jason Osborne, Ph.D. wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to test a mediational model via multiple regression, to see
> > of the beta for the relationship between X and Y is significantly
> > reduced by covarying A.  I need to test for significant differences
> > between the beta X -> Y without A in the equation, and with A in the
> > equation.
> >
> > These don't strike me as independent betas.  Are they?  I have skimmed
> > through several regression texts, such as Cohen & Cohen and Pedhazur, as
> > well as reading baron & Kenny's 1986 J Personality and SSocial Psych
> > article.  I cannot find a formula for testing differences between a
> > particular regression weight in successive regression models.
> >
> > Any help is much appreciated!
> >
> > jason
> >
> IIRC Baron & Kenny give a procedure (not a single formula).
> Glen
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n:Osborne, Ph.D;Jason W.
org:Department of Educational Psychology;University of Oklahoma
adr:;;820 Van Vleet Oval;Norman;OK;73019;USA
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title:Assistant Professor
fn:Jason W. Osborne, Ph.D


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