Very nice solution.
It can be reduced even to the last part:


> You can modify the rank() function using the following one:
> IF(COUNTIF(A$1:A$6,A1)=1, RANK(A1,A$1:A$6,1),
> RANK(A1,A$1:A$6,1)+(COUNTIF(A$1:A$6,A1)-1)/2)
> In this setting, the data range is A1:A6 (as the example you mentioned in
> your email), and ranking is in the ascending order, e.g. smaller number
> gets smaller rank. You can type this function in cell B1, and copy the
> formula to B1:B6. Let me know if you need further info.
> Jay

      Ivan Zezula, Safarik University, Kosice

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