i would highly recommend a paper by ken brewer ... titled: behavioral 
statistics textbooks: source of myths and misconceptions, Journal of 
Educational Statistics .. Fall, 1985, V 10, #3, pp 252-268 ... for an 
excellent discussion of the CLT

At 12:20 PM 12/15/99 -0600, Olsen, Chris wrote:

>   Hello Robert and All --
>   It would seem to me that more than this most can be said.  If my reading
>of the central limit theorem is up to snuff, I should be able to use the "Z
>test with s" without an underlying assumption of the normality of the parent
>population, required for the t.  I am not etching n = 30 in stone, here --
>but there is _some_ large n that will make the underlying sampling
>distribution of the mean sufficiently close to normal to justify the "Z with

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