"G. A. Edgar":

> In article <8bo7lr$fnl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kristen Lanum
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello! We are trying to render the symbols for Xbar and square root in
> > a statistics manual, which will primarily be used by staff using
> > Internet Explorer 5. Is there any way to render these symbols for the
> > web other than making them into graphics? I had seen a few past
> > postings on this subject but I was wondering if anyone has found a
> > better solution.
> > Thanks in advance for your help! krl
> I haven't checked Explorer 5..does it support MathML ?  Browser
> makers apparently claim that they will support it some day,
> but I do not know whether that day has arrived yet.

No MathML in Explorer... yet...

If it's really important, and if it's really a strictly controlled
browser environment, use could be made of specialized fonts that
include any desired symbols. If they're not in Unicode they could
be assigned to some private use area and special fonts be designed
for the purpose. All users must have these fonts installed. Style
sheets can be used to indicate the display font.

If the characters are in Unicode the font "Arial Unicode MS"
(part of Office 2000) have them.

                         Bertilo Wennergren
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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