> I am looking for any information concerning the prediction of _rare_
> events.
> I would very much appreciate any pointers to books, articles,
> work-in-progress, on-line resources, etc etc.
> Many thanks,
> al

Do you really mean prediction of individual events or are you interested
in their
probability of occurring?  The former is very difficult, almost by
You get more rare events (if that isn't an oxymoron :-) ) from
with "heavy" tails, which is an area I'm writing a paper on at the
(well, actually at the moment I'm writing this).  These kinds of
appear in a number of geophysical processes which have fractal or
properties, including rainfall which is one of my interests.  Take a
look at
for starters.  Hope that's useful.

Russell Martin
The opinions expressed are mine, not my employer's.

The fault is not in our data, but in our programs.
                                         W. Shakespeare

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