On Tue, 2 May 2000 10:23:42 +0200, John Hendrickx

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > It depends.
> > What kinds of stat will  you do?
> > How much value do you put on your time?
> > What disciplines do you work with?
> > Who can you get help from?
> > Who will go over you syntax and outputs to check your work?
> > 
> > If you need to do a great deal of data transformation (e.g., recoding)
> > and will be dealing with many kinds of data from different sources,
> > then I would choose SPSS.  It has the best human factors in GUI,
> > consistency of syntax across procedures, vocabulary choice, clarity of
> > documentation, and clarity of syntax code.

> I don't agree with this description of SPSS at all. I would say its 
> syntax is the worst I've seen (compared to SAS, Stata, GLIM, BMDP). SPSS 
> syntax is unnecessarily verbose and certainly not consistent across 
> procedures. SPSS is good at elementary operations such as recode but poor 
> at advanced applications such as arrays, macros. It does have a good GUI 

Syntax is worse than SAS?
Just a couple of years ago, an online SAS braggart claimed that SAS
had extra, easy functions, and after I pressed him, he listed 5 of
them.  I showed where SPSS matched them all -- exactly the same
functions, and the syntax  hardly varied, either (so much for
verbosity).  However, on the testimony of everyon I asked, it used to
take twice as many runs to get SAS to work, compared to SPSS, back in
the pure syntax days.

If you like GUI, I guess you may want to judge by GUI.  I need to save
all my SPSS setup lines permanently, and I make my new versions out of
tho old ones; so I don't need GUI for much, even when I use my PC

Mostly, I still use SPSS 6.x  on VAX, since that lets me readily edit
and shorten the output file, using any of three or more different file
editors,  while I am deciding what to print.

 < snip, about SAS, SPSS, Stata, Excel >


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