On Fri, 12 May 2000, Rich Ulrich wrote:

>  < snip >
> Or, there are bad news reports, that don't really say what the study
> said.  
<more snipping> 
> So: Here is another aspect of error -- what is reported in a journal,
> as opposed to what is claimed in a newspaper.

The misinterpretation of results by the popular press has become a core
topic for me in recent years.  While some of the misinterpretations may be
harmless (I doubt that eating extra fiber would hurt you unless it lulls
you into a false sense of security about about your health).  On the other
hand some misinterpretations lead to all kinds of mischief.  In recent
weeks the press locally has jumped on the report that women earn about
$.73 for every $1.00 that a man earns.  This is being reported locally as
the pay difference FOR THE SAME JOB!  But the data are talking about
the large aggregate (on average, if you will) not about folks within
the same jobs.

The public concern about this discrepency can lead to the passage of
unnecessary legislation and a fair amount of public acrimony.

I would agree that the misinterpretation of otherwise legitimate results
is a major topic for discussion.  Much more so than incorrect use of
statistical procedures.


Michael M. Granaas
Associate Professor                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology
University of South Dakota             Phone: (605) 677-5295
Vermillion, SD  57069                  FAX:   (605) 677-6604
All views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of the University of South Dakota, or the South
Dakota Board of Regents.

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