> >The regression analysis is also somewhat confusing.  Regression analysis is
> >based on the fact that the Y (dependent variable) is random and the X
> >(independent variable) is fixed with no error.  For my case, both X and Y are
> >random and have some measurement error.  Is it correct to use simple linear
> >regression for this analysis or is there another type of analysis to obtain
> >predictions?
dennis roberts wrote: 
> the problem with regression analysis ... at using r too ... is that lack of
> regression (that is ... perfect linear relationship between true and proxy)
> could be because of problems with either X or Y or both ... a simple
> regression analysis will have an error term ... but, what is it due to? you
> don't know ... even in your case ... is the 'true' REALLY true? or .. just
> the best you can do?

To Dennis.

I m sorry the question of Mike is:

When the IDV variable (X) is random is it correct to use simple linear
regression ????? It is very important question in it's general context,
that you have not really responded.

| Hassane ABIDI (PhD)                                   |
| Unite d'Epidemiologie; Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud    |
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