At 11:49 AM 5/18/00 +1000, Paul Gardner wrote:
> However, such scales are limited in that
>they cannot be used to probe individuals' meanings, perceptions,
>personal experiences etc.
paul makes an excellent and cogent point ... and this applies to almost any
paper and pencil instrument (in class test, survey sent to members of a
professional organization, attitude survey, etc ... given to masses ... in
a short amount of time
in some cases, this kind of information is sufficient and satisfactory ...
to get a broad idea about what people thing ... BUT, none of these will
probe ...
that's why we have a general strategy that is called a two stage process:
Phase or stage 1: give a large scaled broad based survey ... helps to give
an overall impression but, also allows you to focus in on areas that you
need detailed information on
Phase or stage 2: here is where we take a small sample (maybe from the
first large group) and follow up with them ... in DETAIL ... probing ...
too bad too much of the literature is ONLY based on Phase 1 kinds of things
Dennis Roberts, EdPsy, Penn State University
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