At 09:14 PM 5/22/00 +0800, Stephen Humphry wrote:

>It doesn't offer guidance up front exactly, no, but it provides feedback on
>whether items work, and an important (imv) conceptual framework for test
>construction.  For example, if you have the Rasch model in mind, you look to
>developing items of a range of difficutly (or 'affective intensity').  You
>wouldn't necessarily think to do this if you were only using other
>techniques, yet it is surely important.  Take the extreme example of a test
>in which every item is of the same affective intensity -- say for
>'satisfaction with your bank'.  Everyone who is higher than a certain
>satisfaction level would be expected to agree with all items, whereas
>everyone below a certain satisfaction would be expected to disagree (of
>course, this probably won't happen but it in reality you may get something
>approaching this situation).

first, items don't have intensity ... people do in response TO an item ...
second, just because (to use an analogy) someone scores (say on a 30 item 
test) high on the test does not mean that they got all items right nor, 
would we expect them to ... so, just because someone has a fairly strong + 
feeling towards a bank does not mean that they agree with (nor would we 
expect them to) all the practices of the bank ... scale scores (not even 
from a rasch developed scale) are not a true guttman scale

certainly though ... one does not need the rasch model to detect these 
tendencies ...

Dennis Roberts, EdPsy, Penn State University
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