On Fri, 19 May 2000 08:26:46 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Manni Heumann)

> Hi!
> I just discovered the newsgroups sci.stat.consult, sci.stat.edu, 
> and sci.stat.math, and I was wondering, which group covers which topics. Are 
> there any FAQs for any of these groups? What is on, what is off topic?

Steve Simon put together an FAQ on technical matters about groups and
mail lists -- since stat-l/sci.stat.consult exists that way.  And so
does sci.stat.edu, separately.  I don't know how well those
connections are still working, but there have been some problems in
the past, where messages showing one place don't get posted to the

The FAQ says it was last modified in August, 1999.  (Is its address
for JOINING still correct?)  It is a good thing to read, especially if
you are new to Groups or Lists.  He includes list of Mail-lists.

============from the site
This FAQ is posted once a month to STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT. The FAQ
now has two home pages:

http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dronis/statfaq.htm and 

=============end of cite.

Separately --
I have a stats-FAQ which includes statistical questions from those
three groups or from the SPSS group.  Much of it is in the form of
posts-and-responses (many of them, my own responses).  My coverage is
better for "biostatistics" than for some other questions, such as
lotteries or pure math functions -- where I know less and care less.

I kept most of the separate issues in small files, so there are 80+
pieces in all (my apologies, to those who want the whole thing at
once).  I also include links to other people, and other resources, and
other FAQs.

My last major overhaul of the site was in December, 1998.  I suspect
that my next version will abandon some of the post/response format.


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people send inappropriate messages.  Please DO NOT COMPLAIN TO
THE POSTMASTER about these messages because the postmaster has no
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