On Thu, 25 May 2000, Grant wrote:

> Dear list,
> Does anybody have experience in switching scale questions around? Such has
> extremely satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, totally
> dissatisfied TO totally dissatisfied, dissatisfied, satisfied, very
> satisfied,
> extremely satisfied.  What impact does this have on the results?  Will there
> be a significant change in the distribution of responses across the scale
> points?

Only one very limited experience as the member of an MA committee.  The
student switched the order of responses around so that on odd numbered
pages the positive response was high (choice 5 or 7) and on even numbered
pages the negative response was high.  Approximately 15% of her
respondants apparently didn't notice the shift because they were very
positive on odd numbered pages and very negative on even numbered pages.


> Any comments on your experiences will be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Grant
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Michael M. Granaas
Associate Professor                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology
University of South Dakota             Phone: (605) 677-5295
Vermillion, SD  57069                  FAX:   (605) 677-6604
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reflect those of the University of South Dakota, or the South
Dakota Board of Regents.

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