Mark Glickman wrote:
> The Boston Univ Department of Mathematics and Statistics is
> seeking a part-time temporary lecturer to teach an
> introductory statistics class in the Fall.  Responsibilities
> include lecturing three times per week (Mon, Wed and Fri
> 2:00-3:00pm), holding office hours, and creating homeworks
> and exams.  There will be a grader and graduate teaching
> assistant who will work with the lecturer.  The salary
> for the course is $5000.

$5000 - 25% federal + stat tax = $3750
16 week semester, that's $234/week after taxes

How many hours in the week for a University lecturer:

3 hours / week in the classroom
6 hours / week preparing & reviewing lecture
3 office hours / week
2 hours / week writing homework assignments
1 hour / week grading homeworks w/ graders or reviewing grades
1 hour / week (prorated) writing exams
1 hour / week (prorated) grading exams w/ grader & TA
3 hours / week answering email from students
1 hours / week supervision of TA & grader
1 hour / week general administrative duties
22 hour/week
Indeed it's a half time job (50% appointment, essentially).
So now, $234/week after taxes makes $10.60/hour.  

Interesting.  That's about a buck fifty per hour more than a janitor
makes elsewhere in Boston:

However, the janitorial job required three years of experience, so it's
probably tougher to get. [;)]

        "Vivat Academia,
        Vivat Professores!"

                - Petr

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