in minitab, you can create a discrete distribution ... say ... numbers from 
1 to 10 ... and then assign p values (adding to 1 of course) to each ... 
and THEN sample from that population distribution ...

At 11:33 PM 8/17/00 -0500, Gordon D. Pusch wrote:

>Your big problem will be deciding how to assign probabilities to each of the
>integers to meet your desired constraints; the only systematic way of doing
>this that I know of is the late Edwin T. Jaynes' method of ``Maximum Entropy''
>(MaxEnt for short). You can find information on MaxEnt among the collected
>papers of E.T. Jaynes, and his unfinished magnum opus, ``Probability Theory:
>The Logic of Science,'' all of which are online at
>(the website is not responding at this particular moment, or I'd give you
>more specific references).

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