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<p>I am a statistician with a semiconductor manufacturing organization.&nbsp;
I recently performed an evaluation between JMP3.2, JMP4, and Minitab13.
<p>I don't want to get flamed from the newsgroup(nor my company;-) for
too much detail from that evaluation, but I'll try to cover some salient,
general points: JMP4 and Minitab13 both have significant technical advantages
over JMP3.2.&nbsp; IMHO, there is not much technical advantage of either
JMP4 or Minitab13 over one another.&nbsp; JMP4 has some overall advantages
(e.g. function-rich calculator for making new variables easily, nonlinear
fit) and Minitab13 has some overall advantages (e.g. Project Manager, the
Stat Guide, AIAG-compliant capability and gauge R&amp;R).&nbsp; Again,
IMHO, for an undergraduate class on Quality Control, either could do the
job, but the nod might go to Minitab.
<p>Minitab can be significantly cheaper to license than JMP, depending
upon your circumstances and negotiating skill...but if you're used to JMP,
you'll have some learning to do.&nbsp; There's quite a difference between
JMP3.2 and JMP4, for that matter.
<p>Just for the record, my customers love JMP.&nbsp; We won't be switching.
<p>"Dusseau, Steve" wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;<span class=910425320-01092000><font face="Arial"><font 
am teaching an undergraduate quality control class (pareto, SPC, etc.)
and am looking for some advice on which stat package to use.&nbsp; I have
used JMP from SAS the past two years, but wonder about the pros and cons
when compared to Minitab.&nbsp; The package of choice would also be used
for an undergraduate to DOE course.&nbsp; Any 

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