Ken Reed wrote:

> Guttman wrote a paper, in the 40s I think, called something like: "The four
> principal components of a scale". It was re-printed later in an edited book.
> Can anyone help with the full reference?

"The Principal Components of Scalable Attitudes", Chapter 5 in Mathematical
Thinking in the Social Sciences, edited by Paul Lazarsfeld. Free Press, 1954,
reissued in 1969 by Russell & Russell. I don't think there's a paperback
edition.  (The book also contains T.W.Anderson's exposition of Markov chain
You might also be referring to  "The Principal Components of Scale Analysis",
Chapter 9, in Measurement and Prediction, 1950, edited by Sam Stouffer. It was
reissued in paperback many years later.

 `o^o' * Neil W. Henry ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  *
 -<:>- * Virginia Commonwealth University *
 _/ \_ * Richmond VA 23284-2014  *
  *(804)828-1301 x124  (math sciences, 2037c Oliver) *
  *FAX: 828-8785  *

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