At 04:57 PM 10/19/00 +0100, David Hardman wrote:

>Actually, it often strikes me as curious that so many
>people continue to report results as p < .05, when they
>could in fact report the actual value.

though true, and generally this is what we do ... that is, give the exact p 
values ... the reality remains that when one SUBMITS PAPERS ... reviewers 
and editors look at these exact p values and superimpose on them the cut 
points of .05 or something similar ... so, readers do NOT get the 
opportunity to judge for themselves ... that has been taken out of their 
hands by the editorial decision that is made (amongst other things of 
course too like a badly executed study)

in our current (and it has been this way for eons) review system, we should 
never UNderestimate the role these arbitrary cut points of .05 or whatever 
have ... on whether papers ever reach the wider audience of potentially 
interested readers

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