In regards to the point below:
(1) is a good point (the ballot looked simple to me but we should never 
underestimate the ability of people to mess up anything)
but I don't buy "How many thought that they were marking
Bush but punched the hole for another candidate?"  Bush/Cheney's position 
at the top of the left hand side of the ballot (corresponding to the first 
hole) makes it much more unlikely that a voter intending to vote for Bush 
would make a mistake than a Gore voter, with Gore/Lieberman being 2nd on 
the left hand side (corresponding to the third hole, not the second hole).

On a lighter note, I'd suggest that Bush/Gore play "rock,paper,scissors" to 
decide things, but Bush would be confused by the rules and Gore would need 
a focus group to make a choice. :)

Disclaimer:  More so than usual, these are ONLY my opinions and no one else's.

At 05:22 PM 11/09/2000 +0000, Peter Lewycky wrote:
>1) The ballot form was made public and widely distributed well in
>advance of the election.  The print was larger than normal to assist the
>elderly. The ballot was a single page. If they had used a conventional
>list then it would've been two pages long (possibly with Gore on the
>second page). Both parties saw nothing wrong with the form and approved
>it's use.
>2) How many people thought that they were voting for Buchanan when
>inadervtently they marked Gore? How many thought that they were marking
>Bush but punched the hole for another candidate?
>Juan Zuluaga wrote:
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> > Date: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 3:57 PM -0500
> > From: Greg Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Subject: important:  election results
> >
> > As you probably all know, Bush has 1700 more votes in Florida over Gore.
> > However, folks in Palm Beach were complaining that their ballots were
> > confusing, and many people voted for Buchanan when they thought they were
> > voting for Gore.  With the help of my wife Chris, I analyzed the county by
> > county presidential results for Florida.  The results are clear:  the 
> ballot
> > for Palm Beach cost Gore approximately 2200 votes.  A simple regression of
> > Buchanan's vote on Bush's vote shows that Buchanan should have only gotten
> > 800 votes, not 3400.
> >
> > Don't believe me?  Look for yourself:  It's not even close!  Palm Beach is
> > an outlier beyond all belief!!!
> >
> >
> >
> > I need help getting these results out to the world.  If you have media
> > contacts or now how to tip them, please have them contact me asap.  Thanks.
> >
> > ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > David Krackhardt, Professor of Organizations
> > Academic homepage (address, etc.): 
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Christopher J. Mecklin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Murray State University
Murray, KY 42071
Phone: 270 762-5437
Fax: 270 762-2314

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