Reg Jordan wrote on 11/10/00 10:51 AM:
>It's interesting that no Republicans have claimed that the ballot was
>misleading -- all the complaints seem to come from Democrats. Wouldn't the
>"misleading, confusing" nature of the ballot apply equally across the
>voting spectrum?
Bush was listed first on the ballot, and the hole to punch for him was
also the first hole. So, no confusion if you wanted to vote for Bush. If
you wanted to vote for Gore, the second name on the ballot, you had to
punch the *third* hole on the ballot, the second hole being for Buchanan.
Given the unexpectedly high number of votes for Buchanan in that county
(3000 of about 400,000 votes cast) as in the next largest Buchanan county
(Pinnelas (Tampa-Clearwater area), Buchanan got 1000 of the 400,000 votes
cast). You have to argue that Palm Beach county has more conservatives
than Pinnelas. If that's the case you would expect Bush to have done
better in Palm Beach than Pinnelas. But, the oposite is the case. Palm
Beach went decisively for Gore, while Pinnelas was very close to evenly
split, with Gore leading only slightly.
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