Hi Dennis!

        I was wondering when someone would have enough sense to suggest the need
for a simple pilot study.  Thank you for your good sense and good advice.
 It is amazing how much time, energy, and effort is saved by taking such
a simple step as running a pilot.

Thank you,

Gary Winkel
City University of New York

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 18:19:15 -0500 dennis roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> At 02:18 PM 11/14/00 -0600, Simon, Steve, PhD wrote:
> >Robert Dawson writes:
> >An important issue is that no one ran a pilot on this ballot. 
> once again ... failure to do a pilot jumps up and bites one on the 
> backside
> ... a fundamental principle in research, ignored ... 
> never UNderestimate the benefit one can derive from doing a trial 
> run ...
> ON THOSE WHO ULTIMATELY WILL BE the target population ... 
> it would only have taken probably 10 potential voters to view and 
> have
> confusion about this ballot expressed ... 
> ==============================================================
> dennis roberts, penn state university
> educational psychology, 8148632401
> http://roberts.ed.psu.edu/users/droberts/drober~1.htm
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