> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Rodney Sparapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2) they didn't examine the undervotes in the original count or the
> state-law mandated
> > re-count; it's only in the third count where they are considering
> them, which is what
> > is so disturbing.
> >
> i tell you want I find disturbing:
> the "chad undercount error" that was discovered in the Volusia
> county complete hand count went 62% to Gore and 38% to Bush.
> However, as a whole, Volusia was only 53% Gore and 45% Bush.
> Since when do chads play favorites, or is this entirely realistic
> is one were to model chad failure as a Poisson process?

Well, chads might be influenced by the position of the target (Bush was
right at the top, Gore further towards the middle). They will also be
infuenced by the force exerted to punch the hole.  If this is correlated
with voting intention (e.g., via age of voter etc.) it is quite possible


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