The discussion of categorical data has got me thinking about a project I am about begin.  The goal is to use a variety of individual predictors (IQ, previous work experience, education, personality) to develop a model to predict "success" after a vocational rehabilitation program for psychiatric patients.
The problem is how to define success.  The current data provides 5 possible  outcomes:  Full-time employment, part-time employment, ongoing education, volunteer work, or no change.  Clearly there is no argument to be made that these are linear, but even ordinal is questionable.
I had thought of using a number of logit regression analyses for the various outcomes.  Or, to use linear regression, rescaling as number of hours per week employed, and combining the two employment outcomes;  scaling education training in terms of program length; combining volunteer and no change into number of hours involved in productive activity.  That would give be three outcomes.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Melady Preece, Ph.D.

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