"Dr. Hans-Christian Waldmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message 9mfkde$986$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9mfkde$986$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi everybody!
> Sure thing that some will find this request annoying and pointless again,
> but there's still a lot of confusion about it. Yes, we do want to compare
> factor patterns. Actually we need to evaluate whether factorial structures
> of 2 tests are similar enough, roughly, to assume they're parallel. For my
> own part I think one should use LISREL (or the like), constrain the
> of one model to the other one, and evaluate (mis)fit. It shouldn't be too
> hard to set this up in SAS. Unfortunately, our client insists on keeping
> SPSS (no LISREL module) and now asks for a "formal" comparison of two
> ratory PCAs. He doesn't want to hear that it cannot be done. Still, I feel
> that I should collect some opions on the issue before giving up. Anybody
> there to provide some hints ?

I take it that you've already received the data to analyse.  If not, would a
reliability-type experimental design help, where each respondent takes both
tests, counterbalancing on which test is administered first?

What was the data collection design?



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