Chris Olsen wrote:
>(1)  I would think it highly unlikely that even your poor school districts
>are using textbooks from the circa 1976-1980 period.  If (in the incredibly
>unlikely event that a textbook would actually last 20 years) any of your
>schools have such dinosaurs, the occurence of a Tukey box plot on a state
>exam is much less of a problem than your State's textbook adoption plan.
>(2)  I would consider it somewhat not unlike unlikely that the high school
>curriclum would conform to Larsen & Marx's Intro to Math stats 2001
>presentation.  While IMHO it is an excellent book, I doubt that it should be
>considered a beacon for what a high school curriculum should look like.
>(3)  My suspicion is that the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
>and the NCTM Standards with its strong data analysis and statistics
>component, would force any rational textbook publisher to include the
>so-called Tukey boxplot, and include it median-based, rather than how Dr.
>Tukey could have, might have, or even should have done it.
>(4)  High school teachers of mathematics, contrary to your implied
>suggestion, are actually not limited to teaching only whatever appears in
>their textbooks.  In point of fact, if one is teaching statistical topics
>intelligently at all, one would be bringing in all sorts of data too new to
>have appeared in any textbook.
For some reason, the NCTS boxplot is not the Tukey boxplot.  The NCTS boxplot's
method of handling the whiskers guts one of the key features of the Tukey
boxplot: the ability to flag outliers.
  The Mass Dept. of education in their curriculum framework provides an example
of a boxplot taken directly from a K-12 textbook manufacturer's web site. I
consider this improper.
  The boxplot shown in Question 39 on the vitally important 2001 MCAS math test
is not a proper Tukey boxplot.  The upper outliers are not properly displayed.
  If there were an AP stats course, they would probably be using a
college-level text that would be using a true Tukey boxplot, not the
Harcourt-Brace/NCTS boxplot.  I don't think it fair for students to know that
the NCTS and the K-12 textbook writers (and the MCAS test writers) have adopted
one feature of the Tukey boxplot, but not the most important feature: the
ability to flag outliers.
Eugene Gallagher

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