On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 21:10:02 -0000, "Chia C Chong"

[ ... ]
> The observations were numbers. To be specified, the 2 variables are DELAY
> and ANGLE. So, basically I am looking into some raw measurement data
> captured in the real environment and after post-proceesing these data, I
> will have information in these two domains.
> I do not know whether there are linearly correlated or sth else but, by
> physical mechanisms, there should be some kind of correlation between them.
> They are observed over the TIME domain.

I don't think it has been answered yet, whether they are
correlated because they are autocorrelated in a trivial way.
What does it mean here -- or does it happen to signify 
nothing -- that observation is  "over the TIME domain".  

That is, you have a real problem yet to be faced, if these are 
measured as  "cumulative delay"  and "cumulative angle".


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