Callender and Osburn (Educational and Psychological Measurement,
1977, 37, 819-825) developed a method for estimating maximized lambda4, the
greatest split-half reliability coefficient among all possible split halves
for a scale.  The method is quite tedious to do by hand, and the authors
provided a FORTRAN program for accomplishing it.  Not having a FORTRAN
compiler, I'm considering writing an SAS program (IML) to do this, but don't
want to waste my time reinventing the wheel if someone else has already
written an SAS or SPSS program for this purpose.  If you are aware of any
such program, please advise me.  Thanks.

        By the way, Callender and Osburn's work indicates that maximized
lambda4 is a much better estimate of a test's true reliability than is
lambda3 (coefficient alpha).

Karl L. Wuensch, Department of Psychology,
East Carolina University, Greenville NC  27858-4353
Voice:  252-328-4102     Fax:  252-328-6283

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