Jerry Dallal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > John Jackson wrote: >> >> this is the second time I have seen this word used: "frequentist"?
> Since Radford Neal has already given an excellent explanation, > let me add... > A roulette wheel comes up with a red number 10 times in a row. When > deciding how to place his/her next bet... > The person on the street bets black, "Because it's got to come up > eventually." > The frequentist doesn't care, "Because red and black occur at random > with equal chances and past history doesn't matter." > The Bayesian bets red, "Because there's something strange going on > here!" *I'd* bet The person on the street *also* bets red, "Because it looks like there's something strange going on!" ================================================================= Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at =================================================================