hi i am a little confused about this topic (i am a student in psychology), i can not understand the below (please be patient i am new to this)
if someone can tell me a) what is a fixed factor, whether we can treat a variable as fixed ? b) the same about random c) how formulas are changing? mean square between... (Ms) for mixed or not designs? d) Who is Keppel (i read him in many statistic papers but i can understood) and his contribution in statistic? e) What is all about Clark and his experiment about verbs and noun? f) what is the relation of quasi F with fixed and random factor? g) nested designs what are? h) What are the implications if a experiment have only 2 random factors, 2 fixed or 1 fixed and 1 random (and the changes in statistic types, MS...) i) when a experiment in anova has 3 factors, it could be all random? j) what happen about interaction eff? i read that if we have a random factor we can have interaction without main effects. is right that? k) And generally i read everywhere random versus fixed factor issue but nowhere refer what is that (disadv, adv.. implications...), neither i found something understadable in internet or in our bibliothic. l) so i ask sorry for all of these Q and for this person who will have the persistence to answere all these questions simply and understadible (i do not know if this place is suitable for these Q so i ask sorry for 2nd time) - i have bought the Howell D.C. book but do not tell much. - Also, i have access to some articles but all are very vague and no clear. -A GREAT THANK to anyone who will solve my querries -i must ask sorry for my englishs (i am Greek) Name: Elias email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ================================================================= Instructions for joining and leaving this list, remarks about the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES, and archives are available at http://jse.stat.ncsu.edu/ =================================================================