> I'm quoting the sensible part.
> And the part that does not belong to you, and which you are relentlessly
> trying to trademark.

Hmmm, trademark, now *there's* an idea.  Python as a Calulator [tm].

But seriously, when you have a lot of Objects (like Monkeys and Dogs)
and want to puppet them, by triggering methods ( mydog.bark() ), you
don't want to drill down through some menus.

You say I'm just pushing what'll happen by natural evolution if I just
abandoned my to-your-ears arrogant tone.  Just let the invisible hand
do the job, so no one gets all the credit.

I don't want all the credit, but I will claim a lion's share in some
corners, in some niche markets where I really excel and deserve high
ranking.  But yes, we'll let the students decide.  It's vote with your
feet time.  CP4E or something both dumber *and* more elitist (not a
winning combo in my book).

> Funny how Bucky has been accused of the same thing.

Yeah, by the same cast of wannabees.

> The surrounding grandiose rhetoric is the nonsense..
> Art

Is that how you lick 'em over at MIT?

I'll be quiet down now.  We might lose that signal-to-noise ratio of
Perfect Phi, that I try to maintain.

I think I've made all the points I need to make re raw_input.  End of
thread, as far as me needing a soap box.

I thank the Crunchy Frog for introducing us to that whole terrain.
Very fertile.  I learned plenty.

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