This thread is very interesting. As a mater of fact, I've been trying to get 2 new course approvals at my High School for several years now and suddenly I have the go ahead for both!

For more info on all the python related projects I'm involved with as summarized below, please see my blog:

1) Computer Math:
I have run this pre AP Computer Science class for nearly 30 years. Its an introduction to programming via BASIC incorporating concepts from Discrete Mathematics. I've used every form of BASIC that ever existed (console, gui, windows, linux, etc). It was time for a change. Next year I'm using a new text by Gary & Maria Litvin called "Mathematics for the Digital Age.". This book covers all the same topics my own home-grown text does but uses python! Also, I'll be using SAGE ( to write the programs.

2) Calculus Research Lab:
This is a course in Scientific Computing. I will take students already taking Calculus and meet with them an additional period every other day like a Science lab. We will be using online Calculus texts in pdf format on the SAGE website ( to reinforce concepts they learn in AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC class. Needless to say, I'll be using SAGE here too, but we will be more focused on Computer Algebra Systems. This course was approved last year, but the guidance counselors messed up scheduling several new courses so it didn't run this year, but we have enrollment for next year!

A. Jorge Garcia

Teacher & Professor
Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College

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