I've been adding to this note over the course of the day and it has gotten very long. Hopefully it won't bore you too much.

I should start by saying that I'm a Python fan! Rich Enbody and I spent a lot of time converting the introductory computing class here at Michigan State to Python. Heck, we even wrote a book about it! So, let us all assume that I like Python.

However, Python is not the do-all nor end-all of programming languages. It has any number of flaws, as does any programming language. There is no one "good" programming language, and I surely hope that better languages come along after Python. Having said that, I think Python *right now* is a very good language, one especially well suited to beginners. I have heard it described as a best practices language, and that is likely right. It combines many good features from existing languages and makes them relatively easily accessible to new users. It is an evolutionary step forward, but not revolutionary. Furthermore, and very importantly, it has a very active user community that helps translate basic programming skill into advanced tool use. http://pypi.python.org/pypi lists 9574 available packages for Python at the moment. Were it not for that, I think Python would be rather ordinary. I believe this because if students are going to put effort into learning a computer language, which is a daunting task for many, then they should get something for it. What they get for Python is the big user base and good tools. They can *do stuff* having learned Python, whatever their path might be.

So what sucks in Python. I have my own personal peeves list:

- concurrency. Others have commented on this already. Python is not concurrent and will not likely be concurrent soon. Python does provide threads, but those threads do not execute concurrently due to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). You can learn threads, come to understand them, but will not see the typical concurrent benefits in Python. Now, if Python calls other processes externally, yes you can get concurrency. You can even use external toolsets such as MPI to do a better job. Lest you say this is unimportant, I think you should reconsider. The world of computing has changed in the last 5 years. You don't get faster cores, you just get more of them. The hexacores are already being sold, with octocores soon to follow. Teaching early programmers the importance of concurrency means that in the future concurrency will be better utilized. Saying it isn't important dooms younger programmers to not understanding the problem.

- automatic type coercion. Python used to have a coerce method but it is deprecated. Imagine you have a simple Rational number class, and an expression myRational + 1. You write a __add__ method to add two rationals, but that won't work with the given expression as the argument is an integer. What to do? C++ (and it's ilk) would allow you to write a method that can convert one type to another. When a problem such as the above would come along, it would look for such a conversion, do it for you, (converting 1 to 1/1) and now your existing method works! Not Python. You are required to do introspection in your method __add__ for any type that doesn't match up and covert it by hand in your method. Each and every one of them. Very clugy compared to C++

- radd, iadd and the like. This really sucks. Consider the same situation, Rational number class, only the expression is 1 + myRational. Python cannot handle such a call (it tries to find an appropriate method in the integer class). If it were C++, again automatic type conversion would come to the rescue. Instead, you have to write another method, __radd__, which reverses the argument order for commutative operations. Same with myRational += 1, there is an __iadd__ method (though thankfully they patched that recently). Very clugy indeed.

- list comprehensions. I love list comprehensions but hate the syntax. It is overly confusing for a beginner. Other languages, for example common lisp, have a much more elegant and consistent solution:

   [x**2 for x in range(10) if x%2==0]
   for x in range(10) collect x**2 when x%2==0

A list comprehension is really an extension of the for iterator, why not work with that syntax? Now we have three potential meanings for something in [ ]: a list, an index and a list comprehension. Sure it works, and you can even point me to the math foundation for it, but it is uselessly complicated for a language structured for a beginner. Extending the for iterator would have been the way to go IMHO.

- open source and language changes. I'm a big fan of open source, but it is often a two edged sword. When Python started, it generated such enthusiasm and resulted in so many packages, which was wonderful. Then, the language guys came along and broke Python for the 3.x series, making a "better" language. Well, that's nice and all, but the difference between writing a package the first time and fixing a package for a bunch of language changes is pretty big. Lots of open source folks are happy to do work for cudos and praise (the first time) but no one wants to do the nasty work of a language upgrade. Who knows how long till numpy gets upgraded to 3.x, and it must happen for many other packages, and so on and so forth. Open source is a great starter but it has its troubles w.r.t long term maintenance and changes. Till then, we are stuck with 2.x if we want to work with all those nice packages. Worse, people developing for 3.x may not wait and write their own numpy (or whatever package), causing a package break. Now there are two, with two groups and all the hassle that goes with it. Forking is another feature of open source (look at all the linux distros).

I'll cut it there. Languages are tools. If you were a carpenter, you might learn how to use a hammer first but then move on to other tools as your problems change. You cannot solve all your problems with a hammer, which is why other tools exist. Same with languages. Each has their advantages, their flaws. Python is a great way to start, but don't think it is the only way to go.


David MacQuigg wrote:
kirby urner wrote:
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:30:49AM -0700, David MacQuigg wrote:

That's not to say the 1% is unimportant.  Here we will find brilliant
programmers working on sophisticated techniques to break large problems into pieces that can be executed concurrently by hundreds of processors.
Each problem is very different, and we may find programs for circuit
simulation using very different techniques than programs for weather
prediction. These programs will be run in an environment controlled by
Python.  The circuit designer or atmospheric scientist will not be
concerned about the details of concurrency, as long as the result is fast
and accurate.

There's a school of thought out there that says operating systems are
supposed to handle concurrency pretty well.  Some designs boot
multiple Pythons as multiple processes and let the OS take care of
concurrency issues.  Why reinvent the wheel and rely on internal
threading?  Instead of multiple threads within Python, make each
Python its own thread.

These concurrently running Pythons are then trained to communicate in
a loosely coupled fashion by reading and writing to centralized SQL
tables, which double as audit trails.

If a process dies, there might need to kill a process (zombie snake
problem), and maybe the controlling process (like air traffic control)
launches a new one -- depends on many factors.

As long as the coupling is loose, this kind of "concurrency" is easily handled by Python (either with threads, or separate processes). The more challenging concurrency problems involve tight coupling, tighter than can be achieved with inter-process communications. Think of a large system of equations, with 1000 outputs depending on 1000 input variables.

The challenge is in partitioning that problem into smaller problems that can be solved on separate processors, with manageable requirements relating to interprocess communication. Strategies tend to be domain-specific. If the domain is circuit design, the equations follow the modularity of the design, e.g. a collection of subcircuits, each with only one input and one output. That strategy won't work in other domains, so we have no partition() function that will do it automatically, and (in my opinion) not much chance that some new language will come to the rescue. For problems that really need partitioning, we need programmers that understand the problem domain.

The question for teachers using Python is - Will there be some future "concurrency" language that is: 1) So different that its features can't be unobtrusively merged into Python (not burdening those who don't need it). 2) So easy that it will replace Python as a general-purpose language, even for those 99% that don't need concurrency.

I'll keep an open mind. Meanwhile, I've got to make a choice for PyKata. We need to be ready for next semester.

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