I teach AP computer science and a course I call Creative Computing
that uses Python as the tool for exploring computing (see
http://garfieldcs.com for full course descriptions and daily

Java does have some ugly syntax but overall I love teaching the AP
course.  I aim to make my students into curious people with great
problem-solving skills and I hardly ever mention the AP test itself.
Though the test is heavily object-oriented, I teach procedural-style
Java first since I think strong mental models of computation are what
will benefit the majority of my students as they move on to whatever
it is they will be doing.  When I do introduce OO, students see it as
a useful form of abstraction and see the need for it as their programs
had been getting unwieldy.  Despite only covering object-oriented
programming in the tail end of my course and using the GridWorld case
study for a couple of projects, my students have so far done very well
on the AP test (disclaimer: I only had one section of 22 last year and
now have about 80 students so we'll see how things go this year).  I
think it's very possible to focus on producing great thinkers and to
see the test just as a validation of that process.

This may be an unpopular view around these parts but I feel that the
pedagogical philosophy guiding a course is far more important to look
at than the language it's taught in.  Yes, many AP CS courses seem to
take this rote plod-through-the-material-for-the-test approach but I
don't think that has anything to do with Java.  It would be possible
to teach a Python course in just that way, too.  All in all, Java and
Python are fairly similar tools and shouldn't be treated as ends but
just a means to explore computation, I think.  Just changing the
language of the AP test probably wouldn't change the courses teaching
related classes very much is my guess.  That is, of course, unless
there were a push for great professional development and more
continuous support for classroom teachers.

Hélène Martin

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Zac Miller <zmil...@gsc.edu> wrote:
> Today I attended a meeting of the Georgia chapter of the Computer Science 
> Teachers Association.  Most of the focus was on how to better teach the AP 
> Computer Science exam and Java but I did learn a few things at the meeting.  
> Are any of the K12 educators here that are using Python also teaching AP 
> Computer Science?
> >From speaking with the people at the meeting I got the idea that the AP 
> >Computer Science test would eventually transition to Python.  Does anyone 
> >know more about this?
> Also, from their descriptions of teaching the AP class it seemed like the is 
> focus is mainly on preparing for the test...do you think that the AP course 
> using Python would be a good thing or a bad thing for educators using Python? 
>  I think I prefer keeping my focus on producing great Python programmers 
> instead of on an exam.
> Interested in any opinions out there.
> -Zac Miller
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