Speaking of Java and Python ... I was thinking earlier this week about
the difference in a Java-trained programmer programming in Python
versus Python-trained programer programming in Java.  (The latter is
neater and cleaner, I think)  For a Python programmer having to use
Java there is Jython.  (jython.org -- the best thing to ever happen to
java).  Adios -

On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Zac Miller <zmil...@gsc.edu> wrote:
> Today I attended a meeting of the Georgia chapter of the Computer Science 
> Teachers Association.  Most of the focus was on how to better teach the AP 
> Computer Science exam and Java but I did learn a few things at the meeting.  
> Are any of the K12 educators here that are using Python also teaching AP 
> Computer Science?
> >From speaking with the people at the meeting I got the idea that the AP 
> >Computer Science test would eventually transition to Python.  Does anyone 
> >know more about this?
> Also, from their descriptions of teaching the AP class it seemed like the is 
> focus is mainly on preparing for the test...do you think that the AP course 
> using Python would be a good thing or a bad thing for educators using Python? 
>  I think I prefer keeping my focus on producing great Python programmers 
> instead of on an exam.
> Interested in any opinions out there.
> -Zac Miller
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