On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Charles <cco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any place for PDX Guild to expand operations and benefit from that?  They
> deserve it, and in a just world they should get a piece of that action.
> They are the pioneers of the code school phenomenon.

I sent them a copy of my article, and at one time we had some high
schoolers stopping in on Mondays, refugees from a system that wasn't up to
teaching what they wanted to learn, shades of South Africa.

https://flic.kr/p/GijkVp  (high school refugee)

However, my impression is most code schools are currently locked into this
model of taking unemployed folks, perhaps with injuries that keep them from
doing their earlier work, and trying to turn them into "full stack
developers" in about 9-12 weeks, plus or minus.  That's a laudable goal,
but somewhat different from teaching the "three Rs" as I'm proposing.

Probably when I set up my network of Quaker-run boarding schools, I'll be
using code schools (what I've learned from them) as a template, but I'll
skip the "boot camp" model or call it something else.

> Does Javascript only enter after rung 3, i.e. through Codesters it's all
> Python, then port as webapp to "the cloud"?  That Bingo game I was
> referring to, I started in Python and used Pillow to generate the Bingo
> card images at first.  But early-on I went through the remainder of the
> process that would be necessary in order to have usable cards by morning
> and realized that I needed to be copying images from my browser into Google
> Docs, then export as PDF and take to Kinko's in the morning.   So I ported
> it to Javascript right there and could have bypassed the Python prototype
> stage.  This happens all the time to me, i.e. Javascript does things that
> only Python could do before, and I opt for Javascript.  I think Javascript
> should be taught early, perhaps even first.  I would have never said such a
> thing a few years ago.
There's no concept of Web Dev prior to Cloud9, which is where JS + HTML +
CSS comes in, using Codepen (in addition to C9).

Here's the picture I drew for parents that dropped in today, final day of
Winter term:


That's a swimming pole with two diving boards, a low one (MIT Scratch) and
a higher one (Codesters).

The low one is familiar, close to game-like, whereas the "high dive"
(Codesters) is somewhat scarier (more a bridge to somewhere else). They're
analogous however.

In a given session, they might do one high divey task, two low hanging
fruit, and play the rest of the time.  Even the play teaches skills.

Once they've mastered these two development environments (Scratch and
Codesters), they're ready to tackle web development.

JavaScript + HTML + CSS (+ SVG?) all come into the picture as an integrated
whole, thanks to Codepen in particular.

I know there's a lot of interest in JavaScript as the only programming
language one needs.  The so-called MEAN stack and all that.

However, JavaScript is a moving target with all those trans-pilers and
TypeScript / CoffeeScript type dialects, with ES5, ES6, ES7... really quite
messy, a moving target.

My attitude is learning Python will give you entre and then JavaScript will
seem somewhat familiar, especially the newer versions which have a class
construct more like Python's.

>> Parents / guardians pay extra to have their students dabble in this
>> parallel extra-curricular track, however the high schools appear to be
>> absorbing a lot of this material and incorporating it natively.
>> If they pioneer what I call a "lambda calculus track" [1] featuring more
>> of what we used to think of as vocational topics ("shop"), then there's no
>> reason to depend on outsiders for this content.
> You're talking HS here, but also code schools ... do any code schools get
> into either of the 2 math tracks you describe?  If no, then that's a big
> difference between the two forms of code school.

Code schools will do data science and machine learning on the side, which
both feature big data.  These are the buzzwords of the moment.

My lambda track includes a fair amount of crypto, and that's featured today
when they study HTTPS, RSA and hashlib type algorithms. SHA-1 recently
cracked and blah blah.

I'd consider code schools somewhere between high schools and college, in
terms of the topics they cover, and the number of weeks / months / years
they take to master (vs. cover).

Given the pressure to get a job and to become a "full stack developer" as
soon as possible, there's not much time for straying too far off that
beaten track in the standard model.

The code schools I envision teach classes in 3D printing, making art, doing
various kinds of math and science, without having to prove these are what
"full stack developers" need.

I'd like to not care about the full stack developer track so exclusively.
One goes to code school for other reasons, such as to improve one's high
school math teaching abilities.

Jupyter Notebooks are a great example.

A company our school could use those in-house, to share curriculum, but
getting a math teacher up to speed with JN technology is a rather different
pathway than training a full stack developer.

A code school needs multiple pathways.  We had that at OST.

I'd like code schools to freely focus on serving a wider clientele, I guess
I'm saying.  Many companies already do this (e.g. LearningTree) and are
among the code schools I consider successful.

Portland has a lot of talented people who would gladly teach 4-5 day
classes in something esoteric (e.g. Regular Expressions, Haskell, Pyret...)
but would never commit to teaching a boot camp for full stack developers.

I'd like to set up the school to offer paying gigs to individuals on a
temporary basis.  We'd have a large talent pool of willing faculty.

Pretty much all 1099s and no W2s if you wanna talk turkey in IRS terms
(contractors not employees).

Lots more people get to add "taught code school" to their resumes that way

>> We often work with the full time teachers coming in and out of the room
>> (it's their room), observing what we're up to, mentally taking notes.
>> Portland Public Schools (PPS) is already well aware of the MIT Scratch
>> option and uses it internally. I expect they're looking at Codesters more,
>> thanks to Coding with Kids.
> Oh to live in a tech hub ...
>> MIT Scratch is good with music, relative to Codesters.  Here's something
>> I wrote to the parents last week (fixed a typo):
> I played with HTML5 MIDI ... in Jython I used to use the Java MIDI API,
> and the associated sound engines.  In HTML5 the best I could determine was
> that you have to write your own synth ... I hope I'm wrong, or that an
> alternative comes along.  I just want a piano sound via the HTML5 MIDI
> API.  Any suggestions?

Nope, maybe someone will chime in.

I'm on the csound listserv, csound being a full featured music synth
system, open source, but hard to use and develop in. I don't think it uses
HTML5 API but I could be wrong (I'm no expert).

I'm happy enough just using MIT Scratch at the moment, for anything
musical.  My demo app shows the notes changing on the keyboard, as it
plays, and the code makes it clear how that happens.


I'm a big believer in "two languages is more than twice as good as knowing
one" because when we compare and contrast, see similarities and
differences, we get that "stereo" view.

For example, when a Windows user, I'd go over to Linux for awhile and study
hard, then come back to Windows really understanding Windows better too.

When you use more than one operating system, you start to get "what's on
OS" (I'd also used mainframes and minis, before hobbyist boxes went viral)

When you know more bases than 10, you for the first time start to get
"what's a base".

[ For this reason I have only derision for the US Common Core standards
which mandate "base 10 only".  When I saw that I knew for certain these
standards were not written by anyone with much computing experience.
Fortunately I squeaked through elementary school when New Math was at its
apex and got it about "number bases" as early as 2nd grade, unbelievable by
today's retrograde / degenerate standards.  When that New Math song by Tom
Lehrer came out, I was just learning addition, and when he made fun of the
base 8 version, I said "what's wrong, I did everything right?" which made
the adults in the room laugh even harder ]

Anyway, I'm excited by the prospect of teaching / learning Python and
JavaScript in an overlapping manner.  Here's a Jupyter Notebook on that


> Thanks again.  Your kids are a joy and really seem to have a good time
>>> being friendly and helpful to one another, very important in the coding
>>> world.
>>> Coding is both a solitary quiet activity, and an intensely social one.
>>> The logins and passwords we give them work on other computers, for example
>>> at home. Let me know if you have any questions about that.  However no
>>> homework is required.
>> Sounds like a great job!

I'm learning a lot.  For me it's about ethnography and understanding my
ambient culture better.

The kids showed me some of the games they play (the "swimming pool" in the
model), like Animal Jam (National Geographic) or whatever.  Eye opening.

These kids are very sociable, not mean to each other.  They're also well
able to concentrate, solve puzzles.

That's true in both troupes I'm working with.  Maybe I just got lucky.

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