On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 5:45 AM, Steve Eilertsen <steve.eilert...@gmail.com>

Thought I would share this story. I have been teaching my son to edit
> existing Python programs (rather than starting from scratch). He bought a
> "Farm Expert 2017" - a complex 'FarmVille" type program. He discovered to
> his delight that it was written in Python and was able to edit the amount
> of money in his "account" to serval trillion dollars - now his farm looks
> like the Dallas Ranch of the 1980's.
> ​​

​Wait til he ​finds out his school's grading system is written in Python.
Bwah-hah-hah! ;-)

Silly things like this can motivate a boy far more than any other more
> logical argument as to why coding is a beneficial skill to develop. So this
> weekend it was learning to soldier as he now has all sorts of ideas to
> automate his room using his Rpi which he got for his birthday last week.

​Very cool. Perhaps a the PiCroft image would be of interest. The Mycroft
AI folks were sprinting on that all four sprint days at PyCon.​
*Kevin Cole*
Nova Web Development Co-Op
Arlington, VA
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