On 17/06/20 4:39 AM, kirby urner wrote:
I've taken a deep dive into Blender recently, you'd have thought earlier maybe, but I was slow into CAD, doing my work directly in a ray tracer (POV-Ray, also free open source).


Why not jump right into something full featured even for plotting XY graphs?  Keep doing those parabolas but add texture / materials, lighting.  Math as theater (a kind of art).

Sure, we can do that in matlabish panda type environments but lets not forget live ray tracers with fully internalized live Python (like ESRI).  Just import bpy and you have full scripting control over the GUI interface as well as hooks into all the data, the current context and on and on.

Of possible interest:
I'm currently (in the early days of) reviewing the "Creative Coding" course on edX (https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:NYUx+DMEDX6063+1T2020/course/) - for teaching-approach cf to learn its content. It is aimed at arty-types and claims differences with the usual more mathematical bias. They do *not* use Python, but I'm 'playing along at home' by learning Pygame (which I've never had to use before) concurrently...
Regards =dn
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