Am Mittwoch, den 07.12.2005, 23:06 +0000 schrieb John RIdge:
> Why Drupal rather than Moodle?
> Moodle is more accessible to educators than Drupal. How many
> educational institutions use D? How many use M?
> Both use php, but I don't want to bankonline, I just want to share
> information and keep a back up for when everything goes strange.
> Just asking.
why using a class management and calendaring system for content
management ? drupal is a content management for online content, moodle
is something to use inside a school. drupal recieves frequent security
updates, while moodle lacks a bit here.... while i'd use moodle in a
school, i really wouldnt use it on the internet.

the decision for php alone is odd imho since the administration work is
huge compared to something like plone or zope, php itself gets nearly
weekly security fixes for more or less vulnerable holes, but as long as
i dont have to be the administrator for it thats fine ...

even if you are not doing online banking you really wouldnt want that
someone breaks into your system, puts the latest sexually explicit
content on your frontpage and deletes all passwords so you cant even get
in to revert that without having physical access ... edubuntu is to
popular (and be it only through the ubuntu in its name) to take the risk
of a open security hole on a webserver, especially in something as
insecure as php where even 12 year old kids find the code to exploit a
vulnerability within minutes on the web.


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