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Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 07.12.2005, 23:06 +0000 schrieb John RIdge:
>>Why Drupal rather than Moodle?
>>Moodle is more accessible to educators than Drupal. How many
>>educational institutions use D? How many use M?
>>Both use php, but I don't want to bankonline, I just want to share
>>information and keep a back up for when everything goes strange.
>>Just asking.
> why using a class management and calendaring system for content
> management ? drupal is a content management for online content, moodle
> is something to use inside a school. drupal recieves frequent security
> updates, while moodle lacks a bit here.... while i'd use moodle in a
> school, i really wouldnt use it on the internet.
OK, I'm no security expert, but the real advantage of Moodle is only
gained when you open it up to the Internet, so that pupils and staff can
continue to work from home - our whole model of implementation has been
based on extending taking the best aspects of our classroom practice and
moaking them available to pupils in their homes.

Moodle is here to stay and has had a huge takeup in schools - believe
me, it's easier to get teachers to learn one system well than two badly,
also Moodle is rapidly adding CMS like functionality - see eg
http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=25375 . That said, the
potential of offering secure blog space and some form of e-portfolio to
our students is an appealing one, Moodle doesn't really provide this at
the moment, although it's on the list for the next release, can Drupal's
blogging be set up so as to limit access to authenticated users only?

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