Hi all,

i see in your syslog that some NIC ask an IP frequently and the dhcpd give one different each time, so the IP range it's rapidly empty (no free leases). I don't know if it's normal but may be one solution it's to assign a short "lease-time" to the IP address with :

default-lease-time 600;   (an IP for 10 minutes)
max-lease-time 7200;

see this page : http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/dhcpd8.html

another solution very stable for my computers (less than ten) it's to assign fix address with :

   host PC_name1 {
     hardware ethernet xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;
     fixed-address 192.168.0.X;
   host PC_name2 {
     hardware ethernet xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:yy;
     fixed-address 192.168.0.Y;

All this parameters are in the /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf

I hope this can help you

bests regards

don Paolo Benvenuto wrote:

hi guys!

Could anyone see the no free leases bug?

With many clients you can reboot the clients only a few times, because
the dhcp server uses all the IP and can't assign any more IP to the

(I need urgent help!)

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