On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 23:10 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Kevin and I will be meeting @ Gallaudet this Sunday, 9 am EST (14:00 UTC) to 
> work on the book.  We will log onto #edubuntu in case folks want to reach us.
Excellent! Thanks for these extra efforts you 2 are making.

> We still do not have a working revision control system.  We wanted to use 
> bzr, but without somewhere to host the repository and some help getting it to 
> work, my feeling is that Kevin and I should just email each other tar balls.
What do you mean by 'somewhere to host' the repository? What exactly do
you need? Just an Ubuntu box with BZR running and ssh access to it? Is
that's so, then I can offer to use the http://ubuntu-cl.org /home for
hosting a BRZ branch. Afaik, its main purpose is to help the development
of ubuntu official projects, or not? Oliver is that right? 

I could also ask current (momentary) hosting provider for
Tecnocimiento.cl (a nice Moin developer girl at Starshine.org). I am
sure she could give us a hand but I'd prefer to use Ubuntu-cl,

> I would request that anyone who desires to see our work in progress made more 
> easily available step up to the plate and help provide us with a solution.  
> We need to remain focused on getting the book done, and are not in a position 
> to solve the revision control problem on our own.
Besides the hositng issue, any other issue?

If the issue is BZR handling RCS, maybe we could still use SVN instead.
And if we use SVN, I could also offer we use Trac (very nice Python-Web
platform designed to help on IT development tasks. It covers many
features, simply and efficiently). However, my guess is that either BZR
or SVN is all we need... well, also, 'all we need is love...' :D

> Mauricio:  Can you meet us on #edubuntu this Sunday?  If you are interested 
> in contributing to the book we could figure what makes the most sense then.
Sure, I can be in #edubuntu this sunday. Is it at 14 UTC?

> Can someone please let lucasvo know about all this?  I don't have his email.
I pasted this email to him via PM in #edubuntu. I hope he didnt want to
kill me ;)


Mauricio Hernandez Z.

Edubuntu Chile
irc.freenode.net | #edubuntu #edubuntu-es

ID #287183

[I dream of things that never were and say 'Why Not?']

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