I read parts of the Cookbook, and have some questions about the part on setting up a lab.

At my university, the computer lab model (thin client and server) doesn't work too well. I teach math, not programming, so I don't need to use the computers all the time. Space for labs and scheduling become problems: reserve time in the lab (which is often in a different building), get all the students to remember to go there, not the usual classroom, etc. And many, if not most, of the students have a (desktop) computer at home. I assign computer homework sometimes. 

I'm thinking of trying to get funding for a mobile computer lab consisting of a rolling card of laptops. This way every classroom can become a computer lab. And the university has thought about requiring students to buy their own laptops in the future, so that labs aren't even required anymore. (This won't happen too soon---we're a working class public university, and our governor, a film star named Arnold you may have heard of, keeps increasing student fees.)

Any comments on using Edubuntu in this type of setup? Use the Live CDs, or hand out install CDs to everyone? Maybe this could go into the cookbook, too.

On Feb 28, 2006, at 12:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Since you mentioned an interest in documentation, I wanted to let you know about the Edubuntu Cookbook at:

Susan Addington


Math Department, California State University, San Bernardino

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