Edubuntu Folks!   Ubuntu and SchoolTool played a large part in last years
Symposium....we're planning on using Edubuntu extensively in our sessions.
 Help us spread the word....and come yourself!  It's been a huge hit the
past 4 years! 

(if you receive duplicates I apologize as I am working from several
lists...and some are older)

*Also....please help us tell people!  Distribute far and wide....feel free
to submit to any mailing list you wish...share with your colleagues!  :-)

Hi all!  

Finally Matt and I have worked out all the bugs and the new 2006
registration system is up and running for the 2006 Edition of the
Northeast Linux Symposium.  One major change is that this year there are
TWO symposia....the one at Gould Academy and a new one to be held at UNH
(University of New Hampshire).  Both will be exciting opportunities to
learn more about Linux, Open Source, Open Source in the classroom, and
much more!  Register for one or the other...OR BOTH  :-)  Matt and I have
worked hard negotiating with both Gould and UNH to keep the price very
reasonable and still provide the awesome experience that you've come to
expect.  Nice rooms, great food (seriously...ask anyone who has attended
in the past...the food is incredible), fantastic camaraderie, and a great
learning experience.  We help to take away the pressure by making the
symposium "all-inclusive"  (room, meals, and conference are all included
in one price) thus helping you to get away from the "real world" and be
able to immerse yourself and really enjoy your experience with us.  Come
alone or even better...bring a team from your school, company, or district.

An explanation of the symposia is available on our site 
We are working to finalize the sessions are are currently seeking any
ideas you may have as to what you'd like to learn more about.  We already
have some awesome presenters lined up as well as some special events. 

Northeast Linux Symposium 2006  (not just about Linux, but Free and Open
Source as well!)

Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine USA  (June 17 - 20)  arrive p.m. of 17th

University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH USA  (July 16th - 19th)  arrive
p.m. of 16th

For more information and to register please visit

Register early!  Hope to see you there!

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School

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