
I read somewhere on an Edubuntu webpage (can't find it now) that the ultimate goal of Edubuntu is to make it possible for a teacher without specialized computer technology skills to be able to set up a lab running Edubuntu and the Linux terminal server in one h our.

Being new to Linux and having played with Edubuntu over the last 10 days or so, I am impressed with how easy Edubuntu is to use. But while Add Applications and the Synaptic Package Manager make most programs easy to install, some installations are much more complicated than what it takes to install programs on Windows or Macintosh (for example, see instructions for installing Gnutella at

So I am wondering how close Edubuntu is to its goal of making it possible for a teacher to set up a computer lab with Edubuntu.  Is this something that will soon be here, perhaps in Dapper, or a bit farther down the line.  Or perhaps this is instead a vision that will keep Edubuntu moving along but it won't happen  in the foreseeable future.


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