Hi Edubuntuland

I won't be able to make the meeting at 12:00 UTC today, have another
appointment at the same time :/

Pips1 and I discussed the website progress on Monday evening, he can
fill in on the details, if he's available.

On the progress, the largest delay is over, and we've basically just
started last week. Getting the static information from our current html
pages is quite easy, the bigger challenge is getting a nice balance in
our theming, we don't want to loose the 'boldness' and 'quirkiness' of
our current site, yet we would like the theme to be more secure. Then we
have some plans around access control and getting more dynamic content
on the site, and to give users more reason to visit the site.

By the end of next week, a large chunk of the theming should be done,
our total status would be +/- 20% done, from there it should double to
40% the next week, and then we would just apply finishing touches in the
two weeks after that.

We originally proposed that we launch the new website on a day or two
before the Dapper release. If the dapper release is postponed, I suggest
that we stick with our old launch date, rather than postponing it
together with the release.

If there's any direct questions I will be available in #edubuntu after
16:00 UTC.


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