Hi list,

I'm writing up a piece for the Edubuntu cookbook regarding the hardware
requirements for LTSP. Client side as well as server side.

Now I know what our current setup can handle. But I was wondering other
people here which are using LTSP/Edubuntu in production are running. Our
setup doesn't handle all use cases/situations after all.

For the interested: We have one P4 with 3GB of available memory handling
around 25 clients. Loads rise pretty high sometimes but the thin clients
users don't notice a thing. Biggest load generator is firefox (flash
stuff) but the memory seems plenty.

If you have any (other) experience that might be of use for this piece
of the cookbook feel free to share.

I'll have a draft version ready tomorrow for the meeting (15 march, 12
UTC, #ubuntu-meeting). I hope to make it more complete with reponses of
this thread.

Also if you feel you can write some part as well there is plenty left:


Herman Bos

edubuntu-devel mailing list

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