Just giving this a bump... Anyone have any idea about the speed issues on the terminal?


Trond Mæhlum wrote:

Thank you. Yes it happened on the second boot aswell. After running ltsp-update-sshkeys I was able to login, but my session ran horribly slow... My K12LTSP terminals fly compared to this. I have 533MHz terminal with 256MB RAM. Does the edubuntu-ltsp run more stuff locally at each client?

I installed iptraf, started tuxmath and watched the network load. On K12LTSP, tuxmath sends tha bandwidth through the roof at up to 50-70Mbit per client. Here it didn't go above 10-11mbit. Is the network card on the terminal being set at 10mbit perhaps?


I was unable to login, after trying I just got returned to the login screen. This was _before_ running ltsp-update-sskeys. Right now our testconsole is occupied so I have to wait a little before trying again. Does ltsp-update-sshkeys have anything to do with the login-failure?

yes, we use ssh to forward the X traffic, it doesnt work with the right
keays in place ...

Another thing. Is there a list of arguments that lts.conf will take? I'm thinking about the new(?) networkcompress option and sound. The edubuntu lts.conf take some different options than a standard ltsp setup, doesn't it?

there is no documentation for dapper yet (still on my list) the values you can use to enable the above:


additionally here is the list of breezy params:
(there is a lot moore in dapper)


Med Hilsen
Trond Mæhlum

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